We schedule private or public Spiritual Spa Days Well Balanced (SSDWB) Temple Wellness session for your friends, family at home, for your church congregation, faith-based small groups, or at your faith-based non-profit organization. We also hold regular Temple Focused Retreats twice a year. Each session will always be filled with expert information, through video teaching or by in-person experts. At our public or in-home sessions we ask for donations to help further the Mission, support needed resources used for each session, and to maintain the overall tools and resources of the Mission. Your donations also help to support those that cannot afford to contribute. Another way to support this Mission is to Be A Contributor. Your contributions not only supports this Mission but gives you access to additional Temple Wellness Provider Coupons. Provider Coupons access is granted for 1 year with a minimum of a $25 donation (renewals occur February each year after one year expiration).
See Schedule of Events scheduled sessions.
Our Temple Wellness session on understanding EMF Protection is one of our #1 sessions. Learn why for yourself and contact us today to schedule your session so you can protect yourself and your family. At our EMF Protection sessions products will be made available as optional tools you can purchase to aid in the fight against the impacts of EMF and to reduce your exposure. (Note: proceeds are always reinvested back into our Mission as well as donated to other local charities.)
If you are already familiar with EMF Protection and EMF equipment shielding and the need for home harmonizing, and you are ready to get tools to help in the fight to protect your Temple and your family's Temples. You can use the links below to go directly to our partners in our Temple Wellness Mission, The Earthing Company and the Hedron Life Source company.
"And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations" (Isaiah 25:7). A covering is coming over all the land and all the people. The mountain is so high no man can climb it. Praise God a way is provided to destroy the face of this covering!
Soon there will be no place to hide or find refuge from the effects of EMF Radiation. At Hedron you will find supplies to shield you from the harmful effects of current technology, and for the 5G technology that is being rolled out now. Hedron is a leader in their field with their technology being certified to support 5G technology and beyond.
Visit the Hedron Life Source company by clicking the link above, "Visit Hedron Life Source", to get EMF Shielding and Home Harmonizing supplies. They also carry pendants to wear on your person. If you spend lots of time in front of a monitor you will want to check out their patented blue light glasses to protect your eyes. Note: Please help support this Mission as you protect yourself by always coming here first before you visit our Hedron Life Source company partners directly. A portion of every sale is given back to support SSDWB Mission! Thank you for your support!
(SSDWB Contributor Coupon Available!)
An in-home setting will allow us to show you areas of your home where you and your family are most at risk. At our public or in-home sessions, we will demonstrate with easy non-invasive tests to show how your body receives electrical currents and how to draw the current down. The session includes ways to protect yourself from EMF exposure. This can be scheduled as one session, or for more detail, a 2-3-part series option is available.
At our EMF sessions, products will be made available for purchase to aid in the fight against the impacts of EMF exposure reduction.
For a closer look click Temple Energies
Depression and Anxiety are an epidemic at all ages! The number of adults and young adults turning to medication as a solution for these conditions is startling. With the numbers increasing, and the conditions getting worse we need to look at alternative solutions. First, we need to realize depression is not a weakness or a sign of laziness. It is a health condition resulting from changes in the brain's structure or function, sometimes physical, sometimes spiritual. Anxiety has become the #1 mental health issue in North America. So you are not alone!! Anxiety should not be considered a shameful state, but rather seen as an alarm, an indicator that our nervous system is most likely overloaded or physically out of balance beyond what it was intended to handle. The symptom result is often chronic anxiety. If we can bring these things into the light, the darkness, that keeps them hidden and causes more suffering, will no longer have power over us and our loved ones. Healing through truth can begin! (This is a 3 or 4 part series session depending on availability.)
If you have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain or know anyone suffering from these debilitating conditions, then you know just how important it is to understand more about what you can do to help reduce pain. Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and heightened pain response to pressure. Other symptoms include tiredness, to a degree that normal activities are affected, sleep problems, and troubles with memory. Often, the first step is to prescribe a medication that will mask the pain. What if you could go to the source of the problem to reduced or remove the condition without medication? The medications prescribed for this condition only mask the problem, and can have long term effects on the nervous system and brain health. Sometimes the pain is so bad, medication is the best first option, but it should not be the long term therapy solution. If you can reduce the source causing the pain, you can reduce or eliminate the need for the medication altogether.
For optimal health and healing, because we are exposed to toxins at so many levels, it is important to detox toxins and heavy metals from our Temples. The order in which you detox your organs is critical to the success of the cleanse. Without understanding this you can cause more harm than good. In this session, we will explore what is needed for organ cleansing and how to go about it. Another important part of detoxing is preventing toxins and heavy metals from entering our Temples. We will look at ways to reduce exposures and consumption of them by detoxing our homes. (This is done in a 2 part session: Temple detox and home detox. It can be scheduled as 1 or 2 parts, each mutually exclusive.)
For a closer look click Detox
With our digestive system being at the core of our health keeping our gut healthy is crucial. Most people suffer from leaky gut and do not even know it, and it can be the cause of many underlying physical aliments, mental issues, and diseases. Everyone needs to know and understand gut health. For the Temple Wellness sessions on Leaky Gut Health, we are continually exploring the many things God has created for overall Temple health, gut health, and how to heal a leaky gut. (These sessions include cooking demonstrations and could vary each time they are scheduled as there is a lot to learn on this topic.)
The study of Herbal Medicine (spices, herbs, oils, and teas) is where the wisdom of ancient medicine meets modern research. Herbs can be used to treat and prevent numerous conditions, both acute and chronic. They do not have the side effects that can come with western medication practices. With so many options available, it is imperative that we study herbs, spices, oils and teas, understanding that God provided them as medicines first before man ever created synthetic medicines. We are not claiming synthetic medicines are not needed. We should always look to nature first to see if God provided what we need before we turn to what man created. Pray for discernment and wisdom to know the difference!
The Brain Health session covers, but is not limited to, preventing and trying to reverse Alzheimer's and Dementia. For far too many people and their families, these are devastating conditions. The industry tells us there is nothing we can do about it. Is this true? Can we prevent or even reverse these conditions? Find out if there are steps you can take. This session will also touch on brain fog and overall brain health.
Have you been with the same dentist for 5,10, 15 years, or more? Are you comfortable with your dentist? If you are like most you probably answered yes to both of these questions. Well, it may be time for a change! The same old way of dentistry is changing, and rightfully so. We can no longer rely on the same old dentistry that we have used, or that we grew up with. Your teeth are linked to overall Temple health, and you need to understand that your teeth and how they are cared for is critically important. We will explore a new path, a better path, a healthier path for caring for our teeth through Biological Dentistry.
A powerful statement I once heard; Cancer is not a death sentence, but a divine tap on the shoulder. Either trying to prevent cancer or working towards healing after diagnosis, in remission or recovery from cancer we need to do so much more than your physician will every tell you to do. Pray first, then make a decision to dive in and hear truth about this devastating disease. Make a decision to fight and defend your Temple! (**)
It is one of the smallest organs, but if our thyroid is not functioning properly it can cause a multitude of other issues in the Temple. This will include discussions on hormone imbalance that impacts the Thyroid and will go into more detail on thyroid autoimmune issues like Hashimoto's. This covers Adrenal health, and overall Gland health throughout the Temple. How many people do you know that have a problem with their Thyroid? Too many? Why? Is there a breakdown causing so many people to suffer from this condition? We need to start to asking why, instead of just treating the symptom, and get to the root underlying widespread root causes.
Learn about hormone balance and manage menopause. Yes, ladies, we can find relief! We will look at food, medicinal mushrooms, oils, herbs, spices, teas, nutrients deficiencies, supplements, and more to help balance hormones. We should not have to suffer if God provided what we need to care for our Temple. Before you turn to medication or over the counter drugs you need to schedule this class today and find out if there are natural alternatives. (This session is for women only)
With more than 3 million cases of Diabetes II in the US per year, this session is one that cannot be overlooked. Here we are also often told there is nothing you can do but go on medication to control or slow its progression. What if you could learn things you never knew about preventing and treating this sometimes debilitating condition? Would you take the time to say yes to truth?
What are we up to? Find out by signing up to receive our Spiritual Spa Days Well Balanced Temple Talk!
Copyright © 2019 Spiritual Spa Days Well Balanced LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Genesis Energy Alliance Restoration, The G.E.A.R. Up Project non-profit - All Rights Reserved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please note any Provider prefixed with "*" gives a small portion back to this Mission from sales made through SSDWB links or Events.
This does not impact the price in any way and does help to further the SSDWB Mission.
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