If you decide to detox your Temple, we cannot stress enough that you must include the spirit and soul as a critical part of the journey through detoxing. We need to detox our mind (spirit and soul) along with our Temples. When detoxing your Temple, you will be opening up your spirit at a deeper level, and this needs to be channeled towards God and the Holy Spirit, or you leave yourself vulnerable and susceptible to attacks to your spirit. (2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV - "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;". This includes during and after your detoxing. Daily devotions are always important but during a detox they are critical, along with a deeper look into Scripture. You will need to focus your devotions, prayer, and study on the Temple, but also focus on detoxing from old emotions, past hurts, old wounds, and unforgiveness. They are harmful, like a toxin, to your spirit and soul, which can lead to sickness and disease. Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT - "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." Proverbs 14:30 KJV - "A sound Heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." Pray God will help you release and detox your negative spiritual energies (or spiritual toxins), along with all the physical toxins in your Temple.
Many people jump right in and try to begin a detox of the Temple. They actually might even have a good program or plan for this, but if you do not reduce the exposures, and reduce the intake of the toxins, then you are running uphill during your detox, and not in a position uphillto reap the full benefits of doing a body cleanse in the first place.
Choosing to do this will be one of the best decisions you can make for your Temple health. Before sharing more details, regarding the Temple detox, one of the most important things to know is that the ORDER is critical! You cannot just clean the liver, you should not just cleanse the lungs, you should not just cleanse your skin. All major organs require cleansing, but it is critically important to follow an order or you will reinfect yourself with toxins that have no path to exit the body and do way more harm than good. So, before you begin any temple detox, be sure to educate yourself on the order of things, and only follow a program that accounts to full pathway detoxification!
Why do you want to detox? To lose weight, to be healthier, to avoid or hope to cure illness, disease or inflammation? These are all really good reasons but the most important reason of all should be to live a full life with Christ! You may bring healing in your Temple as a result of detoxing, feel better, do more, live longer, but the truth is one day we all will pass away from this physical life on Earth. No matter what we do, no one can avoid the inevitable fact that one day your physical body will die, and your spirit will either go to Hell, or if you believe in Christ as your savior, will go to Heaven. So why do all this extra work? Why are we here? It is our job as Christians to work with God and the Holy Spirit to find out answers to this question and learn about our gifting and talents for his purpose. One of the most important reasons for a detox should be to grow in your faith and spiritual connection with God. We can attempt to cleanse almost every physical toxin in the Temple, but if our soul still has toxic negative emotions from our past, we will not reach optimal health. (Click on the picture to the right for more spiritual tools for your detoxing journey)
You may be looking at your home and thinking this is such an overwhelming undertaking. I just wanted to do a little detox for my body. However, if you do not begin to eliminate the toxic exposure, you are likely setting yourself up for failure, because the toxins will have their way into your Temple again. You cannot live in a bubble, so what can you do? DO SOMETHING!! Whatever you do, even if you do not do a Temple Detox, you should not skip the home detox. It's the stuff in the home that is overloading our systems in the first place. Yes, there are external toxins we do not have control over, but we do have control over the home, so start there. Do not try to go through everything all at once. Water is a priority.
Are you made up of 70% water? Maybe, but surely we all know that water is critically important to living and the quantity of water intake is also important. If we know how important water is then have you ever had your water tested? You would not believe what the industry is passing off to the consumer as healthy water. My heart aches when I see people in foreign countries having to walk miles for clean water. Even then, often that water is still impure, not to mention the dangers they expose themselves to for water. Praise God for the many programs that go towards putting water wells into those communities. In those conditions, even though it is all so sad, we know what they are drinking, and we understand the dangers. It is a long hard road. We walk over to the sink, pull a lever, and get water. Easy right? But, are we being deceived to thinking our easy walk to water is good and healthy? Before you detox your temple, you will need to find a source for pure water as drinking and cooking water are extremely important. You should have your water tested. You will not believe what is found, and may not know that what is claimed to be healthy water, is actually very unhealthy? (See Martin Water for Whole House system, click Provider Resources below.)
In most cases, you would not. Why? Because it is harmful to them if they ingest it. What about you? Do you get it on your hands? No, you say, I always wear gloves. Do you breathe in the fumes? Unless you hold your breath, the answer is yes, you breathe in the fumes. We don't consider enough the impact on the Temple and lungs, regarding fumes. Look for as many alternitives to chemicals that you can for all cleaning. This could take some time and money with alternatives replacements. Do the best you can and if possible, do a clean sweep. If not financially possible, each time you buy a new product focus on non-chemical-based cleaning. This means no bleach, no ammonia, or other chemicals often used for cleaning. This includes laundry and dishwasher detergents. There are many options available today.
How much can the body withstand before it says enough? Did you know, the largest organ of the body is the skin? The LARGEST! It deserves more attention than we give it, and I am not talking about more pampering. Although who does not love a good Spa Day!! Maybe before you consider your next Spa Day though, you should consider attending one of our Spiritual Spa Days Well Balanced Retreats! We need to consider what are we putting on our skin. Every day the number of products we put on our skin is unbelievable. Like aluminum-free deodorant. Stop using antiperspirants, they have aluminum that gets absorbed into the lymph system and is toxic. You may think, but I can not go without antiperspirant. Well, if you do a full body detox you may find that you can! Sweating is one of the number one ways the body detoxes, but ith less toxin, we will likely sweat less.
EMF radiation, mold, carpeting, kitchen, air purifiers
Environmental toxins are often out of our control. However, there are some things we can do to reduce our exposure to toxins out of our control. You need to know what is around you.
For success, you will need a plan. God says a man without a written plan will perish. Prov 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he". Part of that preparation should be tending to your gut health. If you have never looked into the health of your gut, you will want to do this before beginning a detox, or you will risk releasing toxins back into the bloodstream. That can cause more harm than good. First, we will layout a high-level understanding of what a body detox looks like give a few tips. Below is the Detox document (available in near future), we will give our recommendations for support resources, tools, and companies we prefer.
Let us face it, if we are being frank, the colon is at the end of the food cycle. It is the last pass before what comes in goes out. This means it should be the first organ you consider detoxing. If you detox anything before this, you risk releasing toxins within your body and reabsorbing them because they do not have a clear path to exit. The colon is approximately 35 feet long. When we talk about detoxing the colon we are not just talking about flushing the colon. We are talking about something much more intense. We are not sure if he is the first doctor to discover this, but well renound Dr. Anderson discovered that something much more disgusting was lurking in our colon, besides digested food. He calls it mucoid plaque, or in lamones terms, colon plaque. The colon is the organ that is used to absorb what we need from our foods. If the lining of the colon is coated with this plaque, we will absorb far less than we should. Regardless of how clean our diet is, you will like everyone else, will likely say, 'not me, that cannot possibly come out of me". But yes, you too!
We like this tool to help colon cleanse: https://draxe.com/nutrition/psyllium-husk/
The liver is the body's natural detoxifier. Can it get overloaded? If you ever knew anyone who died of liver cancer, they will most surely have told you before they died, that it can. Everyone's body will react differently to an overloaded liver. If you have never detoxed, and have lived for a longer number of years, you can be sure that your liver is also overloaded due to the lifestyle and world we live in today. The gallbladder, one of our smaller organs can also be overloaded. Just about everyone knows someone who has had theirs removed. Doctors will tell you that you do not really need a gallbladder in the world we live in. That is what my doctor said, just before he recommended taking mine out. That was before I began my health journey. Knowing what I know now I wish I did not have it removed, but my hope is in God, and my 92-year-old father-in-law who had his out too.
The lymph system is another of the Temple's organs used in removing toxins. So, it is so important for the Lymph system to run at optimal levels by cleansing it. This organ is one of the more complicated organs to cleanse. You can buy a rebonded, which we also do suggest as a way to get the Lymph system moving. If the lymph system is flowing, it naturally works to cleanse. Another way is to use a lymph system herb solution that stimulates the lymph system, which also activates cleansing. Another great way is dry brushing (See link on how to dry brush under "Cleansing the Skin"). Sweating is also key. So if you do not sweat you may want to consider a full organ clean so you can get your pathways open. If you have excessive sweating, excluding during exercising, it could be a sign of excessive toxins and another good reason to detox. We do not want to prevent sweating, the body's natural way to cool itself, and purge toxins, so do not use aluminum based antiperspirant. This is the best sweating along with red light saunas.
We do not give the blood nearly enough of the attention we should. Most diseases start in the blood. If you have not already contacted us about getting your EMF protecting supplies, please do that first before beginning your detox. See our EMF Protection tab for more details. This is one of the most important tools you can have for aiding in your health and the health of your blood. If you omit these tools, then everything you do will never work as well as possible. You may see good results, but these tools will help enhance the results of whatever you do. Using EMF Protection tools will also help to cleanse your blood. Also, God created many herbs that help to stimulate and cleanse the blood naturally. So, when you get to this organ, you can also use some blood cleanser to help. Exercise is also key to get the blood flowing.
We probably abuse the skin more than any other organ. So you cannot skip the need to cleanse this very important organ that is a pathway to all the rest. Have you ever heard of brushing your skin? Well if you have not, you need to look into this. Skin brushing is a wonderful way to help with cleansing the skin (use soft bristles brushes, like a bath brush). Dry brushing is also great for the lymph system.
Skin Brushing: Clink here to learn about the power of, and how to do skin brushing to help keep you lymph system moving and for better overall healthier skin.
Well not exactly, but you need to essentially detox your food choices during your detox, and you should strongly consider adapting to this cleaner way to eat to avoid toxification in teh future.
Most people spend countless hours, energy, and money trying to focus on or talking about wanting to lose unwanted fat in the body. What you may not know is, if you remove the toxins in your body, much of the stored-up fat in the body my no longer be needed. Detoxing will allow the body to naturally lose the stored fat. This is because your body actually does have a purpose for fat cells. When the body is overloaded with toxins and cannot expel all the toxins taken in nature, one of the bobys protection systems kicks in, by storing extra fat cells to absorb the toxins. The unfortunate problem with this is if you do not make an effort to detox these toxins, they remain stored in the fat, which means you keep excess fat, which just compounds itself. It also begins to weigh heavy on your immune system by cause inflammation.
Some may decide to detox without help from others. That fine if you feel led to do it that way, but do not feel you need to do it alone. The buddy system is the best way, for support, accountability, and understanding. A buddy can help you overcome the hurdles. If you do not have someone you can do it with, we are happy to offer suggestions. See our detox outline document below (docu coming soon) first, and ask someone to do it with you. If there is no one willing, connect with a group or organization that supports detoxing. If you have to pay to be part of a group detox program, and you can, do it. It is such a small investment in your overall health.
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